Sunday, June 6, 2010

Life Coaching

Whenever one feels a confusion, whenever one requires a clarity,wherever when one has many alternatives to choose, whenever one wants to travel from confusion to clarity. he needs a helping hand. An helping hand who can help him to travel a safe journey. He requires the help of Coach or mentor.

When one wants to enter a jungle for exploration. he has many options,he can go by himself, he may be lost, He can go with a travel book but he may become sick, he can go like hunter but wild animals may hunt him. but if he takes an experienced guide, he will come safely from the forest achieving his goal and misssion.

A"Coach "or "Mentor is a "one to one " trainer who goes with the pace of the client.helping him to rediscover the latter's goal. The returns are enormous if the coach is a Qualified,Accredited and experienced coach.

1 comment:

  1. Thats true sir,an experienced one is always and for ever knowledged ,than other who is not that much clear of things and situations,even though the person is younnd and energetic.the mentor helps in guiding a person to the perfectionist and shows him a path which paves him the right choice,for this purpose the mentor should be experienced and more knowledgable than his mentee and sholud have clarity initially.
