Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Coaching case 001/ Improvement over 7 EQ Coaching/ Mentoring sessions

Session1 ----( june 20th 2010)
Mr Naveen shared around ten painful points of his childhood from class 1 to class 8 th) were  he was scolded in house by his parents and  by teachers in the school for his funny activities. 
Session2---     -- (July2 nd  2010)
 Mr Naveen was asked to identify and process, his highly organised Logical thought and Emotional thoughts.
Session3 ( july 10 th 2010) 
He was asked to identify a few thoughts and report the observation an EQ coaching format (Visualization, Audio, Feeling)
Sesion 4 ( jluy 12 th 2010) 
(Below,i his email : A very deep introspection and working on himself)
The morning after the Tuesday's session, as I woke up I felt very scared [10/10].
 I didn't know why I was feeling like that. Then I wrote about 'why do i want to change my job' on a notebook. Then I felt little relaxed. And I thought that I have to have some worry in my head otherwise it's even more scary. Then, I went to the office. During the tea break, I sat with my friends, I felt as if they are strangers and it was feeling scary. I could say nothing on my own. They only talked to me, on which I could give some comments(as I always do)  Later, during another tea break, I got the chance to sit a familiar male colleague, who does not belong to our tea-time group. We had some office related chitchat. When office related discussion was over there was a vacuum, nobody could talk to each other. After wandering for sometime what to talk and found nothing, we dispersed. And then I realized that my inability to relate is not only with girls but with everybody.In the evening, when I came back home, I did the tapping exercise for the 'fear' feeling. After the exercise the fear feeling was [5/10].

Sesssion  5------------- (Aug 5 th 2010)/   An update  Hi Dr Sunderam, 
 I just wanted to update you on my present state. I feel as if I can’t speak emotionally. I don’t know why? But many of the times I see myself emotionally confused. Most of the time, I can’t decipher other’s emotion when they speak. Myself speaking emotionally is almost nil. I feel like I am in a lost world. Other’s imagination is so vivid. One keeps up bringing up something to speak on and on. Whereas, in my case, My  ability will be so poor that nothing will come out automatically. Even if I choose to speak something after a lot of preparation, I won’t be able to speak as I will either forget or speak in way that will make the thing non relevant to the people.
 Session 6 --------------- ( Aug 9 th2010)------ EQ at work (This is a poetic  essay on washing machine:)"Washing machine, u r white. You have a medium height. You have wheels, so I can take you to any place, where you want. By the way, I have put you in a place which is best for you. I have put you in place which is best for you. I have put you at the balcony where I can feed you with water, where you can easily drain your water. 
             You have so many buttons with you. You make my life complicated. You make me wander with your buttons. In-spite of this, you make my life easy. After programming, you become automatic. You wash my cloths within few minutes. You have served me very well since the time I had brought you in my home. That is why I like you. I want you to keep serving me like this. I am afraid that after serving for long time you would go bad and start giving me troubles. But never mind, I will try my best to repair you when needed. For the time being, I thank you for washing my clothes and the clothes of my mom and my brothers."

Session  7 --------------( 16 th August 2010)---  -Progress Report

Thirty two year old Mr Navin working as a Project lead in an MNC ,came for relationship coaching, with disturbed emotional relationship. Cant relate to female colleagues. Cant get along with boss , mother centered, because loves his mother very much, not yet married.
Session 1 to session  7 (improvement in 0 to 10 scale)
The coachee came up with the following point for improvement after using some executive/Emotional Coach inventory.        
           (session1 on june 9 th 2010)            (session 7 onAug 16 th 2010)
1 over imagination fantasy------7---------------------------2 
2 Mother fixation------------------6----------------------------4
3 Cant express emotion---------7---------------------------5
4 what to change a job----------8----------------------------9
5 Ability to concentration suffers-----8/10--------------- 7 
6 Not able cope up stress------minus8-------------------5/
7 Feel become sanyasi---------5-------------------------0/10m
( Mr Naveen wants to enjoy life now ) (A  minute ago i talked to my client and noted his improvment ratings )

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