Monday, August 30, 2010

Why we need a mentor ?

Any child who is born on this earth is like a plain slate. This slate is un programmed. the child does not understand Hindu, Muslim, Rape, violence, Mother Father etc.We only teach them or program them.. the child learns what is taught to them..
 A Child copies their hero's performance.For Pre- school child the Mother is the hero. For a school going child their teacher is the hero.For a College Going child their Class  mates are the hero. For present generation who are born with internet They keep on discovering their hero's
 Every child requires examples The child looks for lot of examples in their hero's. when that hero start working with them and guiding them. they become their mentor In my case my mother was my first mentor. My wife is my second mentor,let me give a little of my background.

I am a faculty for Mentor training programme, in many organisation.i have pioneered mentoring for a major public sector in India.The best example i can give is  from my own life,How mentor impacted  my own life.My wife played a major role in my life, the moment she came into my life she sensed i have passion for learning and sharing, she has sponsored me for a majority of learning programmes

To mention a few 1 Stephen Coveys programe. 2 NLP 3 PhD 3 Ms Counselling 4 EdwardDe Bono Creativity 5 EFT 6 TLT 7 Silva Mind Control etc 8 Coaching (ACC) 9 HRD Psychometric tools 10 FIROB If she is not there in my life, i woud have missed a vital part of my Quality Life.

Thanks to my wife , As a token of this use a film clipping to drive home this point in my major seminars on mentoring. this is no doubt in telugu language. this conveys the message of love and concern of a mentor to 
men tee

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