Saturday, August 28, 2010

Difference between a "Mentor ", " Coach" and "Counselor"

                                        A mentor is "Person" focused " ,            
A mentor is a Guide,adviser  and well wisher and an over all developer

 Coaching is "Skill" focused",  A coach focuses on taking the person into a bright future, by developing appropriate skills

Counselling is "Grievance" focused

 A counselor focuses on pulling the person from a past  stuck up situation into the current present

Indian Vedic culture talks of  three important roles for the development of a good character in a "Matru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava and Acharya devo bhava . This Sanskrit phrase emphasis    the role of a mother , father and well wisher as very  molding the character of any person in the society . A mother's is always available when the child is suffering ,A father  is available for teaching any skills like cycling,swimming etc. (Indian  society a father is performance focused) ,A teacher is avilable for the overall development of the child,. A mother role can be interpreted as a "counselor" role,A father's Role  can be interpreted as a "Coach"  Role  and a Teachers  role can be interpreted as a mentor role

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