Thursday, July 15, 2010

Life coaching :/Mentoring in action

Hi mentor                                            images (7)

I love your mentoring process as per your instruction,I tried to capture some of my thoughts and present below,My mind hijacked me for some time, a golden period of of my life i mastered wrong skills here is what i confess :

I wanted to change my job for which I should have undertaken professional course, but I did not do that. It was mostly because of my friends’ confident suggestion that I can make it on my own. Just by doing self study, I can get through, while was never doing that.

Mistake of assuming self study

I was too much into my self-interest of learning other things. In the span of 2 yrs, I did many things –

  • learning about the stock market, did some investment,
  • Achievement
  • then got myself reading books on seduction(read it like a bible),
  • Big mistake, Spent lot of time in it.
  • then knowing about astrology.
  • Feels good about it.

I am not sure if this is good way of putting my thoughts.

regards your mentee

Girija, Google

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