Monday, July 19, 2010

Instant mentor

Mentoring is a relationship between a senior called Mentor, with wisdom and knowledge who passes it on to a junior, called mentee. This mentor pairs if made in the organization can accelerate the growth of the mentee fast into into the organization culture. The learning curve gets shortened.

Have you observed when two brothers or sisters who grow up together as bed mates.Who is more smarter the elder one or younger one.? obviously the younger one.

A little common sense psychology gives you the answer The elder learns or copies the behavior of his parents with lot of caution, hesitation and rejections. The younger one without hesitation copies the behavior smartly, because he has a buddy mentor , The younger one has his brother or sister who works as an instant mentor, clarifying lot of doubt and protecting him from unwanted behavior. This instant mentor passes on his knowledge and wisdom which shapes the behavior of the younger one.


  1. It is so true. We never think so much that these small things can give us such deep knowledge about the management concepts. After this post my minset has changed and now i will look all small things in life with different percpectives.

  2. we see and experience many things in our day to day life,but the thing is we dont recognise them,the above one is such an example.becoz the people who live around us are the best mentors we can see and learn many things , for some we do imitate the same n adopt it as our's and some we do modify them and learn and adopt them .thank u so much sir for making me and many people like me whioch made us knew many things which we usually dont recognise .

  3. The above post gave me good insight about mentoring concept.i really think the above example is very much true and i really agree with it.
