Monday, July 12, 2010

Reverse Mentoring

Mentoring is mothering,that is playing the role of a mother.A mentor is person on whom one can trust,one can relay and one can look for guidance. Every mythology has characters who has played messiah's role unconditionally.In indian mthology Krishna mentored Arjuna,Chanyaka mentored Chandragupta, Bram khan mentored Akbar.
If one looks at Indian Hollywood, k A Abbas mentored Amitabh bachan , Balachander mentored Kamalahasan even in the rich mans life, Bill gates is mentored by Waren buffet.

Traditional mentoring is from a senior to a junior, a senior person pases on his knowledge wisdom and learning to a junior. Most of the corporate world has accepted traditional school of mentoring . Mentoring is defined as relationship where a senior help the junior to accelerate into the organisational culture, through advise and sharing.

The corporate circles got the shock of their life, when the then chairman of GE ordered all the senior management, to get mentored through the new recruits to become an internet savvy. This was called as reverse mentoring.

Reverse mentoring is always seen in our joint family.The Grandfather learns how to operate the Tv remote, internet, cellphone through the grand sons


  1. The above one xplains hw importance is learning from each other and also guidence helps to select the right path to implement u r xperiences and ideas.

  2. The above post has enlightened me alot about mentors-mentees relations that existed in mythology also and how old mentoring process is and which carries a lot of importancee. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful post which gives such a deep insight about mentoring.
