Monday, June 7, 2010

NLP ( Neuro linguistic Programming)

Many of my trainees ask me "What is NLP ?"

I say, after embrasing and pioneriing the NLP Concepts in India, and also after applying NLP therapy with Prisioners of Central jail which ultimately earned me a PhD. I have a simple but Practical definition of NLP. were N stands for"Brain". L stands for the "Brain Language" .P stands for " Psychological outcome".
In another words ,NLP means "Brain language psychology".
This science says we think in a scientific pattern, wether we want it or not we follow the scentific pattern. A specific thinking pattern leads to a paticular bheaviour style.

This science beleives thinking leads to behaviour. By Chaning the thinking pattern the bechaiviour pattern can also be changed

Even though NLP orginated in the year 1970 in US. It took 25 years to travel to India. Many organinasation are still slow in adopting this school of science, because NLP is Practitioners science..The first NLP training took place in India in the year 1997.The Cost of NLP Training is also substantialy high for traditional inidian organisation mind set.

NLP can be used for Teaching, Training, Therapy and Coaching. Many of the fortune 500 companies use NLP for their employees

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