Monday, June 28, 2010

EQ; How to handle my Boss?

Regularly put Emotional Deposit in the heart of the boss.
Today my mentee came to me, telling i want to work more but my boss is giving full support to certian projects , partial support to some projects and casual support for some other projects. he also mentioed a few incidents for refrence.

We had a few discussions from my experience. I pointed out certain projects(competency mapping) which i did unconditionally for my boss. The project was under my boss name but the experience was mine. Now he has a high regard for me. This project is an unconditional help, i rendered to him. I have made an emotional deposit in his heart.

This is one of the way in which every subordinate can make regular tiny emotional deposits in the heart of their boss.
Mentees learning

1.Emotional quotient is very important for maintaining inter personal relationship

2.Always have emotional deposits with your bosses.


  1. Reading the above post gave me a very good insight about how small things help our boss and this also helps us in incrasing our own experiences.

  2. some times there exists a situation during working conditions where we need to comprimise and adjust and satisfy the superiors and subordinate,where both the parties may not get satisfied,so in such cases either the superiors or subordinates get satisfied or only the employee.but the satisfaction to employer helps in making the employee more beneficial and in creating the good image towards employee,where the the internal work will be done by one and the fruits of result will be njoyd by others,so there should be emotional balance and should also tolerate the result.
