Monday, June 28, 2010

EQ; How to handle my Boss?

Regularly put Emotional Deposit in the heart of the boss.
Today my mentee came to me, telling i want to work more but my boss is giving full support to certian projects , partial support to some projects and casual support for some other projects. he also mentioed a few incidents for refrence.

We had a few discussions from my experience. I pointed out certain projects(competency mapping) which i did unconditionally for my boss. The project was under my boss name but the experience was mine. Now he has a high regard for me. This project is an unconditional help, i rendered to him. I have made an emotional deposit in his heart.

This is one of the way in which every subordinate can make regular tiny emotional deposits in the heart of their boss.
Mentees learning

1.Emotional quotient is very important for maintaining inter personal relationship

2.Always have emotional deposits with your bosses.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

NLP Coaching

How Modelling help in Executive coaching ?

Modeling is a great strategy in NLP Coaching, Modeling means identifying the best behavior in your environment and copy the behavior.

In an executive coaching the executive was asked to identify his best behavior. he replied "best code writer in his team" he was asked to explore the environment he choose and beliefs/values that drive him to this no1 position.

Bench mark model

Environment :where? IT company
Behavior :what? Quiet, self centered,

Capability : How ? Learnt, one week ,I sat on that, practised, Took help from others, tips
Believes/Values/Identity : Why? Recognition as 'Beat code writer in the team "

He was asked to identify a behavior which he would like to choose and copy. he replied "Helping wife in vegetable cutting" he was asked to use the same model to assess the process of modeling.

Proposed model :

Environment : Where ? kitchen
Behviour : what ? Vegetable cutting
Capability : How ? Sometimes i can cook cut vegetables in the night.
Believes /values/identity : why ? Help my wife to cook in morning/ Household helper

Modelling is the heart of NLP Coaching.

Friday, June 11, 2010


What is Emotional Intelligence ?

EI is using u r emotions to regulate ur logic. using ur logic to regulate ur emotions. In other words can u be Emotionally logical or Logically emotional.Can u use your   ur head to regulate ur heart. and can u use ur heart to regulate ur head.

can u sandwich of emotion and  thinking ?

A research study shows people leave the organization because they don't like their boss, not vice versa.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Coaching Case- 002

Mr Madan mishandled the Customer presentation
Mr madan the  newly joined executive of research department was asked by his boss to do  a Power point  presentation on Monday on some technical front of the customer representative
Mr Madan has joined the department 15 days ago,first job after completing his IIT from Roorkee.he was feeling very anxious about the work, never before he has done such a presentation. He was little worried about .He did not ask  for any help from his department. He borrowed a MS PowerPoint book from the library . the whole Sunday he prepared the contents in a presentable form. Monday morning he delivered his presentation with low confidence. He was blamed by every body for not handling Q&A session during the presentation.
He was also unhappy based on the feed back, he left office with a sad heart that he can never talk in front of the customers. he will be a failure in the department.
Coaching Points
How would you handle differently if you were stuck up in place of Mr madan
what do you think Feel and Do this time ?
Imaginary option1    Imaginary Option 2

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Coaching case 001

Initial session on inventory

Thirty two year old Mr Navin working as a Project lead in an MNC ,came for relationship coaching, with disturbed emotional relationship. Cant relate to female colleagues. Cant get along with boss , mother centered, because loves his mother very much, not yet married.
Session 1
The coachee came up with the following point for improvement after using some executive/Emotional Coach inventory.
1 over imagination fantasy------7
2 Mother fixation------------------6
3 Cant express emotion---------7
4 what to change a job----------8
5 Ability to concentration suffers-----8
6 Not able cope up stress------------8
7 Feel become sanyasi------------5
His wheel of improvement has the above seven spokes..

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Training through movie clipping

How to bring an insight in a Training process ?

I have been conducting training programme for the past 5 years , let me share a trainers insight
on a training programme titled "How to plan your retried life'? This was for a group of Employees aged 55 years of age. Their mind set is to be prepared to face the Physical, Mental, Social , Financial and Spiritual challenges of life ? This program was becoming very popular. but in the feed back session the Employees wanted to attend the next programe with their spouses.

This was big challenge for me. I pondered over along time and to evoke a discussion which family member is right ? and why So ? I used a clipping from Hindi movie called "Baagban"

This has won all time approval during reaction level feedback

Monday, June 7, 2010

NLP ( Neuro linguistic Programming)

Many of my trainees ask me "What is NLP ?"

I say, after embrasing and pioneriing the NLP Concepts in India, and also after applying NLP therapy with Prisioners of Central jail which ultimately earned me a PhD. I have a simple but Practical definition of NLP. were N stands for"Brain". L stands for the "Brain Language" .P stands for " Psychological outcome".
In another words ,NLP means "Brain language psychology".
This science says we think in a scientific pattern, wether we want it or not we follow the scentific pattern. A specific thinking pattern leads to a paticular bheaviour style.

This science beleives thinking leads to behaviour. By Chaning the thinking pattern the bechaiviour pattern can also be changed

Even though NLP orginated in the year 1970 in US. It took 25 years to travel to India. Many organinasation are still slow in adopting this school of science, because NLP is Practitioners science..The first NLP training took place in India in the year 1997.The Cost of NLP Training is also substantialy high for traditional inidian organisation mind set.

NLP can be used for Teaching, Training, Therapy and Coaching. Many of the fortune 500 companies use NLP for their employees

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Life Coaching

Whenever one feels a confusion, whenever one requires a clarity,wherever when one has many alternatives to choose, whenever one wants to travel from confusion to clarity. he needs a helping hand. An helping hand who can help him to travel a safe journey. He requires the help of Coach or mentor.

When one wants to enter a jungle for exploration. he has many options,he can go by himself, he may be lost, He can go with a travel book but he may become sick, he can go like hunter but wild animals may hunt him. but if he takes an experienced guide, he will come safely from the forest achieving his goal and misssion.

A"Coach "or "Mentor is a "one to one " trainer who goes with the pace of the client.helping him to rediscover the latter's goal. The returns are enormous if the coach is a Qualified,Accredited and experienced coach.